Kelburne Hockey Club’s request for a community asset transfer of Ralston Community Sports Centre to the club went live on Renfrewshire Council’s website on Tuesday 24 May. The documents relating to the request can be viewed on Renfrewshire Council’s website. Members of the public have until Friday 1 July to raise objections to the request. If you wish the sports centre to remain in public hands, you should make a representation to Renfrewshire Council by this date.

If you wish to make a representation, you must do so in writing, stating your name and address. Representations should be sent to with the title “Ralston Community Sports Centre CAT Request Representation”. Please copy your representation to A copy of each representation will be given to Kelburne Hockey Club and will be published on the Renfrewshire Council website along with any comment from Kelburne Hockey Club.

All representations and responses are available to read on the Renfrewshire Council website.

Works to resurface Hawkhead Road from the White Cart bridge to the Hawkhead/Barrhead Road roundabout and also to resurface the Hawkhead/Barrhead Road roundabout will take place from Monday 20 June.

Phase 1 – Hawkhead Road works. Works start Monday 20th June 2022.

The main Hawkhead Road works will be undertaken during the day and is expected to take 2 weeks; three weeks in total has been booked to allow for any unforeseen issues that may arise during the works.

Access for vehicles will be maintained during the works to the residents of Hawkhead Road including all side roads & associated premises within the area of resurfacing. This access will be provided from the Seedhill Road side of the works.

Access for vehicles within the works areas will be under the direction of the contractor, Finco Contracts Ltd, who will provide signage and traffic marshals who will direct you through the works to ensure your safety.

The existing road surface will be made safe with suitable ramps and signage where required.

The diversion will be:

Glasgow Road / Mill Street / Lone End / Barrhead Road and vice versa

Phase 2 – Roundabout works. Works Start Monday 20th June 2022 – overnight working 8 pm to 6 am

To minimise disruption to road users and businesses, the resurfacing of the roundabout will be undertaken as overnight works (8pm to 6am), with the roundabout reopening to traffic during the day. This section of the works is expected to take a maximum of 3 nights to complete.

The existing Hawkhead Road closure will remain in place with the addition of the following diversion:

Glasgow Road / Mill Street / Lone End / Gordon Street / Neilston Road / Caplethill Road / Grahamston Road and Vice versa.

Access to Hawkhead Estate (Ben Nevis Road) will be taken across the central reserve by means of temporary traffic measures from the Grahamston Road side of the works.

A document containing notes on the public meeting held on 31 May about Kelburne Hockey Club’s CAT application for Ralston Sports Centre is available on the website.

Renfrewshire Council has changed the arrangements for bins that were due to be collected on Thursday 2 June. The council did not make this known until the morning of 2 June.

Grey bins will now be collected on Sunday 5 June. Brown bins will not be collected until the next scheduled date, Thursday 16 June.

A public meeting to discuss Kelburne Hockey Club’s application for a community asset transfer of Ralston Community Sports Centre to the club will be held at 7:00 pm on Tuesday 31 May in St Mark’s Church.

If you want the sports centre to remain in public ownership, you should make a representation against the application. You must do this in writing, stating your name and address. The closing date for representations is 1 July 2022.

Representations (for or against the application) should be sent to with the title “Ralston Community Sports Centre CAT Request Representation”. Please email a copy of your representation to to keep the community council informed about the progress of represenatations against the application. A copy of each representation will be given to the Community Transfer Body (CTB) and will be published on Renfrewshire Council’s website along with any comment from the CTB.

The community council has set up a petition against the transfer which can be signed in the Ralston Corner Shop. (You can sign this and still make a representation against the transfer.) Please follow Ralston Community Council on Facebook or look on this website for updates over the next few weeks.

We look forward to seeing you on Tuesday 31 May.

Kelburne Hockey Club is planning to hold a public meeting about the application at 7:00 pm on Monday 6 June in Ralston Community Centre.

Friends of Barshaw Park have submitted a planning application to turn the disused donkey paddock in Barshaw Park into a community garden. The plan for the new garden has been made possible by the Royal Horticultural Society who are awarding the Friends of Barshaw Park £50,000 to create the new community garden. In addition, RHS has appointed leading garden designers to create the garden, and will support the new garden over the next 3 years with a grant of £15,000.

Community gardens can be of great value to an a local area. They can improve soil and air quality, increase biodiversity, increase economic opportunities, and improve the mental and physical health of those who use them.

Details of the application can be found on Renfrewshire Council’s website.


Kelburne Hockey Club has now submitted its application for a community asset transfer (CAT) of Ralston Community Sports Centre to the club. Renfrewshire Council’s CAT Panel will meet in early May 2022 to decide if the CAT application is valid. If it is judged to be valid, it will go to the council’s Infrastructure, Land and Environment Policy Board for consideration at its next meeting in August 2022.

If the application is considered valid, the council will issue a public notice that the request has been received. The notice will be placed on the council website and displayed within a public area near the sports centre. The notice will contain details of whom the application has come from, the details of the request and confirm that representation can be made to the Council for a period of not less than 20 working days. Should representations be received they will be sent to Kelburne Hockey Club, which will have 20 working days to comment on them. A period of discussion will then follow when the detail of the request will be discussed and consideration be given to all the documentation submitted. The council has a period of six months to reach a decision on the request. Further information about the asset transfer process can be found on Renfrewshire Council’s website.

Kelburne Hockey Club is planning to leaflet the community in the near future with details of the application. It then plans to hold a public meeting about it, probably in May.

A petition against the application has been set up and is available to sign in the Penilee Road Corner Shop.

Update on the community asset transfer application

At the community meeting about the community asset transfer (CAT) application from Kelburne Hockey Club (KHC) held on 4 October last year, an overwhelming majority of those present were opposed to the transfer of this asset.

KHC has now been granted charitable status, but its application is still to be ratified before it can even be considered by Renfrewshire Council. If it does proceed, the community council will have to work within legal guidelines to raise objections. Renfrewshire Council’s Petitions Board is also investigating the application. In addition, Gleniffer Thistle Football Club has apparently confirmed its interest in the sports centre and is likely to submit a CAT in the future. We will let you know of any developments when we hear of them.

How we can support the sports centre

The community council is preparing objections to be raised in the event of the application being validated and moving to the first stage. However we can’t fight for something that we are not using. So part of our strategy is to work with Renfrewshire Leisure (rebranded as OneRen), who are responsible for the running of the centre, to help us make full use of this resource in our community. The community council has already met with OneRen to discuss this, and we now need to hear from the community and current users.


Covid has greatly impacted on the usage of all gyms, and Ralston gym has been no exception. However, if we want to retain this gym, then the number of memberships needs to increase.


The current operating model is for the pavilion to be open in evenings and at weekends, but as soon as Covid restrictions are lifted we can arrange classes in the centre.

We can book our own self-employed instructors to run classes at the centre. Each class needs a (volunteer) class coordinator to arrange who will be attending and to confirm the time of the class with the instructor and the sports centre. So please let us know (in the comments box on this form)  if this is something you would be interested in supporting.

Possible new activities

  • We would like to tie in with the current walking group.
  • We have recently met with ROAR and have another meeting arranged to discuss how we can work together to make better use of our facilities.
  • We have had a suggestion that parents would like a class to be run in the pavilion whilst their child/children are playing football on the pitches.
  • We would like to hear from everyone, across all age groups, about how we as a community could use this facility better than we are at the moment.

Survey form

Please let us know your suggestions, thoughts, ideas, preferred classes and times using this form. The form should be returned by 30 April 2022, either to the counter of The Corner Shop or or by email to


The community council has become aware of problems caused by some residents feeding foxes, which then go on to leave uneaten food in other residents’ gardens. This food includes pieces of chicken with bones, which can be extremely dangerous to dogs.

Renfrewshire Council advises residents not to feed foxes. The council’s website
has a page about foxes, which contains the following advice.

“We would like to stress the advice to members of the public to refrain from feeding foxes.

“It is very important that no attempt is made to try to tame foxes, to encourage them to feed from the hand or to encourage them close or into houses using food.

“This is not fair on the foxes and is only likely to cause problems later for people and the foxes themselves. Urban foxes are wild animals and should be treated as such.”

Renfrewshire Council’s grass cutting programme will restart on Monday 4 April. The council’s teams will work to a 14-day cycle and will tackle a different area of Renfrewshire each day, although they will return the following day to finish any section that they weren’t able to complete.

This means that the teams will cut grass panels, open spaces, school playing fields, public parks, cemeteries, and provide their grass and hedge cutting assistance scheme for council house tenants, at the same time in each area.

If the teams are unable to complete an area because of the weather, theyvwill retain some of their resources to complete that area when the grass is able to be cut as normal.

The fortnightly timetable can be seen on the Renfrewshire Council website.

Hedge cutting will continue to be provided twice a year and will operate in line with the grass cutting model, with communities seeing their first cut between May and July and their second cut between August and October.