A final decision on Kelburne Hockey Club’s appeal against Renfrewshire Council’s decision to refuse its application for a community asset transfer (CAT) of Ralston Sports Centre to the club will be made by a sub-committee of the council’s Infrastructure, Land and Environment policy board at its meeting on Wednesday 22 March 2023. The meeting will start at 14:00.

This will be an online meeting and therefore it will not be possible for the public to observe the proceedings at the council chambers.  However, the meeting will be live streamed and can be accessed using this link:


The documents relating to the appeal can be found on the Renfrewshire Council website.


Paisley Recycling Centre in Underwood Road will be closed on Monday 13 February to allow cabling works. One of Renfrewshire’s other recycling sites should be used on this day.

Renfrewshire Couincil has isued the following information about work taking place at two of its recycling centres between 4 and 9 February.

Underwood Road, Paisley

On Saturday 4 February, there will be works at the Underwood Road site in Paisley as our contractor undertakes cable pulling works at the rear of the service area.

There will be safety cones on the main access road into the depot and the works area will be fenced off, with some of the works taking place on Monday 6 February.

Access to the recycling centre for residents will be maintained, but we would ask anyone visiting to take care when entering and leaving the site.

Middleton Road, Linwood

Following our £350,000 award from the Scottish Government’s Recycling Improvement Fund, civil engineering works are required at Linwood to facilitate the planned upgrades to the recycling infrastructure.

Therefore, the site will be closed on Wednesday 8 and Thursday 9 February and residents will need to use one of our other recycling centres.

The permit application process will be updated to direct anyone in a van or car with a trailer to Underwood Road in Paisley for the duration of the works – and they will still need to apply for the permit in advance.

A member of the waste team will be on site at Linwood to advise residents of the closure if they do not know already, but signage will be on site and on Middleton Road in advance, the permit application and council website will be updated, and the closure will be advertised on the appropriate council social media channels.

We anticipate the site being open as normal on Friday 10 February.

The yew tree outside St Mark’s Church has now been cut down.

When we talked with Ralston residents last year, many of you told us that you would like to see more activities taking place in Ralston. We therefore applied for funding to run a series of 10-week programs running from mid-April until the end of June 2023.

The activities will be held in Ralston Bowling Club and other venues in Ralston. We would have liked to run them in Ralston Community Sports Centre. However the centre is currently closed during the day and OneRen are unable to discuss the matter with us while Kelburne Hockey Club’s appeal against the decison not to approve its application for a community asset transfer of the sports centre to the club is in progress.
Activities will be free (or at very low cost) and may include: Keep Fit, Easy Keep Fit, Disability Exercise, Tone, Yoga and Chair Yoga.

We want to add more classes, and would love to hear from instructors who would be interested in running any of the following: Pilates, Tai Chi, Zumba or Ballroom Fitness. If you could help us, please email admin@ralstoncommunitycouncil.org.

Renfrewshire Council’s Community Asset Transfer Review Sub-committee meeting, which will consider Kelburne Hockey Club’s appeal against the decision not to approve its application for a community asset transfer of Ralston Community Sports Centre to the club, is scheduled for Friday 20 January 2023 at 10:00 am.

The meeting will be held via Teams and will be webcast live. You can view the meeting on Renfrewshire Council’s website, which also contains a link to the meeting agenda.

There will not be an opportunity for Kelburne Hockey Club or members of the public to make representations at this meeting. (This is explained in the meeting procedures, on pages 7-9 of the agenda document pack.)

The charity Roar* holds “talk 0ver toast and tea” sessions at Sherwood Greenlaw Church every Friday from 9:00 am until 11:00 am. You are invited to come along for a hot drink, toast and a blether.

Roar: Connections for Life is an award-winning charity that offers a range activities for older people. You can find out more about Roar and the activities it offers on the paisley.org.uk website.

* Reaching Older Adults in Renfrewshire

Renfrewshire Council has developed plans to enhance walking, cycling and public transport connections for residents, businesses and visitors on Causeyside Street. Details of the project were given in an earlier news item.

As part of its engagement with local people, the council created a concept design to visualise the plans and all stakeholders, including ward members, community councils, local partnerships and Paisley-based partners, were asked to take part in a survey. Letters were delivered directly to residents and businesses received an in-person visit. Members of the project team were also available in-person at 5 High Street on various occasions during the engagement period (11 July – 7 August 2022), while the plans were also communicated through the local media and social media.

While a large number of the responses were positive, there were also constructive points raised about how the project could be improved. The council has now modified the project to take account of this feedback. Details can be found here.

All residents and businesses on Causeyside Street will now receive a letter outlining the revised plans and key stakeholders such as bus and taxi providers, Local Partnerships and Community Councils will also be contacted directly. Awareness will also be raised through the local media and through the Council’s social media channels.

If you have any comments, please let Renfrewshire Council know by emailing ei@renfrewshire.gov.uk, calling 0300 300 0380 or, if you are not able to access the project plans online, you can write to the council at Environment and Infrastructure, Renfrewshire House, Cotton Street, Paisley, PA1 1BR. You can also visit a local library to see the plans and leave your feedback.

The closing date for any comments on the final designs is Sunday 15 January 2023.

Renfrewshire Council will close at 2:30 pm on Friday 23 December 2022 and will open again at 8:45 am on Thursday 5 January 2023. However, all essential services will continue to operate.

Further details, including information on key service areas such as bin collections, leisure centre opening times and social work services, along with emergency contact numbers, can be found on the Renfrewshire Council website.

Scottish Water has issued advice on how to stay safe, warm and comfortable this winter. This advice can be found on the Scottish Water website.