Cornerstone Telecommunications are proposing to install a radio base station next to Penilee Road on behalf of Vodafone. They say that the station is needed to provide mobile 4G and 5G coverage for the area. The proposed site is the grass verge on the east side of Penilee Road to the north of the junction with School Road.

Details of the proposed development can be seen in Cornerstone’s consultation letter and drawings of the proposed installation can be seen on Cornerstone’s planning drawings.

Cornerstone have allowed 14 days for comments on the proposed development from the date of their letter, 24 July 2024. This means that the comments must be submitted to Cornerstone by 7 August 2024. If you have any comments, could you please send them to Ralston Community Council by Sunday 4 August. The community council will collate comments and submit them to Cornerstone.

Since 2021, Renfrewshire Council has invested in the renewal or refurbishment of 35 play parks around Renfrewshire, and the Scottish Government has committed £461,000 for 2024/25 from the £60 million play area renewal fund. Laura’s play park area at Barshaw Park, along with the play parks at Brodie Park and Elm-Maple Drive, Johnstone, has been chosen to benefit from this funding. Further community play parks will benefit as the project advances.

Renfrewshire Council is inviting anyone with an interest in the play park at Barshaw Park to complete a survey into the types of equipment they would like to see installed during the refurbishment. It says that “it is important for parents, grandparents, carers, or anyone else taking kids to the park to have some input, as they will know what sort of equipment children are attracted to”.

To complete the survey, go to

The survey will close on Sunday 4th August 2024.


Renfrewshire Council has commissioned transport consultants AECOM to develop a new local transport strategy. The strategy, which is called Travel Renfrewshire 2035,  will set out the council’s transport and travel priorities over the next 10 years. It will complement the regional strategy by SPT and the national strategy by Transport Scotland.

The council says that the strategy will meet its responsibilities to make bus and train journeys more accessible, encourage walking, wheeling and cycling, reduce travel by car and protect the environment as the council works towards Renfrewshire becoming net zero.

There will be two phases of stakeholder engagement. In the first phase the council aims to capture feedback on what is working well and what would improve people’s travel experience. Feedback is invited from members of the public and stakeholders via a survey, which is available to access on the council’s website at The survey is open until 11:59 pm on Thursday 27 June 2024.

Paper copies of the survey are available at Renfrewshire libraries and can also be requested by emailing, with “Local Transport Strategy Survey” as the email subject. Paper copies are also available by phoning 0300 300 0300.

Comments can also be added to an online map; the link is also available on the council’s website at The map  allows comments to be added to specific locations and for locations to be categorised as positive, neutral or areas for improvement.

Voters in Scotland will need to show photographic ID at the polling station when voting in the next UK Parliament general election, due to take place before the end of January 2025. This new requirement follows the introduction of new legislation by the UK Government.

Accepted forms of ID include a passport, driving licence, older persons or disabled persons bus pass and Young Scot card. Voters will be able to use expired ID if they are still recognisable from the photo.

Anyone who does not have one of the accepted forms of ID will be able to apply for free ID online at or by completing a paper form.

The full list of accepted ID, along with more information about the new requirement and details of how to apply for the free ID, is available on the Electoral Commission’s website.

The need for photo identification applies to UK general elections only and not for local or Scottish Government elections.

It is well known that woods and trees are good for people’s health and wellbeing, particularly in our towns and cities. But urban trees and woods aren’t distributed equally, and some communities that could benefit are losing out.

Tree equity is the idea that all communities should have equitable access to the benefits of trees where they live. While some urban areas enjoy abundant greenery and tree cover, others lack these essential natural assets.

Tree equity must be embedded into urban forest planning, and that doesn’t just mean planting. Plans must also include caring for and protecting trees – both newly planted and existing – to ensure they continue to thrive and improve the quality of life of residents for years to come.

The Woodland Trust and Centre for Sustainable Healthcare have partnered with American Forests, the US non-profit organisation that created Tree Equity Score, to bring Tree Equity Score to the UK. This tool calculates a Tree Equity Score out of 100 for urban neighbourhoods. The lower the score, the greater the need for trees – a score of 100 means tree equity has been achieved.

You can find out more about tree equity on the Woodland Trust website.

The equity scores for the Ralston area vary between 75 (with a canopy cover of 6%) to 88 (with a canopy cover of 12%). The composite score for Renfrewshire is 81. To find out more about the other factors that contribute to the scores and to see how Ralston’s scores compare with those for other areas in Renfrewshire and further afield, you can look at the Tree Equity Score website. This site lets you look at the equity scores for urban areas on a UK wide map and zoom in on areas of particular interest.

Pavement parking, double parking and parking at dropped kerbs is being banned across Scotland, in a measure aimed at improving pedestrian safety.

The Transport (Scotland) Act 2019 bans these types of parking, with certain exemptions designated by local authorities – for example to ensure safe access for emergency vehicles. Drivers can be fined £100 for these parking behaviours, reduced to £50 if paid within 14 days. Local authorities have been authorised to begin enforcing the law from 11 December 2023.

Renfrewshire Council is currently assessing the Renfrewshire road network to consider any places where exemptions are needed. The council will then carry out the formal traffic order process and is aiming to enforce the pavement parking ban in Renfrewshire from November 2024.

If you have any concerns about this process, please email The council will share any representations it receives with its consultants during the assessment process.

Renfrewshire’s 2024/25 garden waste collection service will begin on Monday 1 April 2024 and residents need to purchase a new permit to ensure they continue to receive a collection for their garden waste.

Permits can be purchased on the council’s website.

If someone does not have internet access, they can call 0300 300 0380, visit their local library to use the public computers to apply online or pick up a paper application form which should be returned with payment to Renfrewshire House. If possible, the online form should be used for all applications.

The cost of the permit remains £40 and the permit will be valid until 30 April 2025.

To ensure that permits arrive in time for the start of the new service, residents should purchase their permit by 11 March 2024. Permits can be purchased after 11 March 2024, but this may lead to a delay in their bin being collected until they receive their sticker.

The permit applies to one bin only so a permit must be purchased for each brown bin a resident wishes to be collected with garden waste inside and additional brown bins and permits can be purchased as required.

Further information on the service is available on the council’s website.



Renfrewshire Council has issued the following road closure notice.

Closure: Duchray Drive, Paisley at its junction with Crookston Drive

This closure will be in place from Wednesday 7th February 2024 until Wednesday 6th March 2024.

Closure Reason: Reinstatement works

Alternative routes: Allanton Avenue – Killearn Drive – Ralston Avenue or vice-versa


Renfrewshire Council is planning to plant two Italian Cypress tress in the two raised beds at the junction of Strathmore Avenue and Glasgow Road. The council anticipates that the work will take  place within the next 2 weeks.

Renfrewshire Council will close at 2:30 pm on Friday 22 December 2023 and will open again at 8:45 am on Thursday 4 January 2024. However, all essential services will continue to operate.

Further details, including information on key service areas such as bin collections, leisure centre opening times and social work services, along with emergency contact numbers, can be found on the Renfrewshire Council website.